Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Chirstmas To All

I can't believe I have been at this new dietary lifestyle change (as I like to refer to it instead of a diet) for a month now.  This week I have done ok.  A few bad sweets here and there but I have been exercising, mostly walking, just to keep it off.  I have lost a total of 8 lbs now and still have to weight in for this week.  I am thinking about doing a cleanse and have ordered one in hopes that it comes next week while I am off.  I really hope to be able to get out and do a lot next week while I am off from work.  The weather here has been pretty great!  Maybe I can catch a quick walk at lunch today.  I have been meaning to add some more recipes, but I have just been so busy lately.  If anyone reading would love to post some yummy healthy recipes I would love to see them and I know others would too!!  BTW Merry Chirstmas to ALL!! And God Bless!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week Four

So week 3 ended with a little loss of almost 2 lbs.  I must say I have been cheating a little on the eating part.  Had I been on my best behavior I would be melting fat off I think.  However, its just been very stressful for the last little while and well my will power hasn't been at the top of its game.  I am trying to do better for the weekend ahead.  I know, yes I am admitting it before it happens, but I do know I will be cheating a little this weekend.  I really don't like Christmas food as good as I do Thanksgiving.  Seems that there are more sweets at Christmas.  But as long as I have a little lose or maintain I will happy.  Once we get through Christmas I hope to find it easier to stay away from all the bad foods.  I am still spending a lot of time walking, but there again I haven't been doing to much in the way of exercising.  UHHH if I could just give myself a few more hours in the day....Happy dieting to all lol!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week Three Start

Well week 2 did not end as I had wished but I didn't gain any weight so with that said I am really going to have to be more careful this week.  The cold weather has really put a halt to my walking, which is my best way to workout.  The start of this week hasn't been easy since we had our Christmas lunch at church yesterday.  I tried to eat mainly green veggies and lean meats.  I was able to walk today and do a little indoor work.  It is a little late in the evening but I think I am going to hop off here and do some stretching.  Good night all!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Week Two Ending

Well, here I am on the eve of week two's end.  This has been a very stressful week and to be honest I will be glad if I just have maintained the weight that I lost last week.  I have been so stressed emotionally about personal matters and running here and there to make sure things are taken care of. 
Yesterday was the first day that I felt like I really tried.  My hubby and I took our son for his 9 month apt and we ate out.  Enjoyed the day together very much.  I had a southwest salad at McDonald's.  Then went walking some what in the after noon.  I have missed running this week. Next week I am going to do my best.  Maybe take in a lot of yoga.
I think my biggest problem is coming off a sugar high addiction- yes I called it an addiction.  I have been grumpy and once I get a big ole piece of chocolate I am fine for a while.  I have done a few lunges and worked on side lunges as well as danced around the house with Luke while listening to Christmas music. Now that is  a work out lifting and carrying a 22 lb boy... Wish me luck for tomorrow morning when I weigh in!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Successful week and now on into the next battle...

At the end of the week the scale did not show this massive number you see on the BL, however my husband is 33 in the hole to me.  I lost a total of 6.6 lbs (that's 6 tenths of a pound not six pounds 6 oz.)  I was excited but I also know the week ahead or week two will not be easy.  The second week is about maintaining week one accomplishments while continuing to lose weight.  I haven't worked out much today and only did some short distant walking yesterday, so tomorrow it is time to step it up big time.  Wish me luck week two coming up- hopefully weight going down along with the cash in my hubby's wallet haha!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fresh Beef Chili

1 pound of lean ground beef or lean beef tips (your preference)
3-4 scallions
2-3 small tomatoes
1 can of LOW SODIUM beef broth
1 Red and 1 Green Pepper
Other spices that contain no salt

Cook ground beef as if you were preparing meet for tacos and drain.  If you are using beef tips you do not need to cook just drop in mixture.
Using a crock pot combine beef broth with all ingredients chopped.  Cook until done and top your bowl off with some sharp cheddar cheese.  Great for parties and cold winder evening! ENJOY!!

Almost the big day...

Well to be honest this week hasn't been as rough as expected.  Today was almost a little bit more than I could chew- no pun intended.  I teach culinary arts on Friday and so I tried to make today about preparing something fun like rock candy.  We also baked peanut butter cookies and passed them around to the other teachers and staff.  I must admit I did break and sampled one very small edge of a single cookie.  I enjoyed a salad for lunch and tonight we are having steak with salad and baked potatoes (of course I am just having the steak and salad).  Well Tomorrow I will weigh in and see what I have done..One pound will be success for me.  As promise to some readers, I will post a recipe on here in a few moments.  Check in soon to see how Saturday morning goes!!  Wish me LUCK!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Day Survival

So today is the first day of starting the new diet that I have been at home alone.  Well I am not totally alone since I have my handsome nearly 9 month old son with me.  I only work 3 days a weeks, which gives me some "mad money" or enough to pay for my school loans and plenty of time to teach him and be with my son.  Of course there is never enough time to spend with him. 
So anyways here I sit, trying to keep busy instead of thinking of all the wonderful sugary foods in the fridge that I can't have.  For Lunch I made a salad with sliced turkey and my fave- ranch dressing topped with sharp Cheddar cheese.  Thinking of grilling some chicken for supper which means I will have to prepare some for my son as well along with his from the garden frozen green beans.
Today hasn't went totally bad or have I spent a lot of time being hungry.  I really have been busy between taking care of Luke and doing house work.  When I finally got him down for his first nap, I decided to take advantage and work out.  I spent 30 minutes doing light yoga and then another 20-25 minutes walking around in the house and then some house work.  Of course drinking plenty of water in between.
The weather here has turned very cold and we had our first real snow of the season yesterday.  No accumulations, but it was pretty.  My son loved watching it from our patio door and even tried to grab a few when I held him out the side in for a few moments.  Today it is just COLD!
So I guess I should tell you a little more about me and this weight loss issue:  First time mom and I have always had a battle with weight.  I have never been totally obese but enough to just make me unhappy.  After my son was born and I couldn't breast feed I stopped caring about how I ate and sank into a very bad routine of unhealthy foods and eating on the go and eating when I could. Now I am ready to get back the healthy version of me even if that isn't a perfect weight.  I want to live for my husband and son. 
Remember if you have any questions or comment please don't be afraid to leave them in the comment box.  It could be a help to me or other who read this blog.
Well I am off to do more house work, just wanted to check in today.  Have a happy and blessed day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Challenging through the Holidays...

What a roller coaster weekend.  Thanksgiving was great.  We had such beautiful weather and of course I spent a lot of time out side walking.  This Thanksgiving, along with the help of my husband, I started my weight loss or should I say I decided to get my life through changing my eating lifestyle. 
My darling hubby has promised to give me 5$ for every pound I lose.  Each Saturday we will weigh in and I will be paid.  On the other hand if things go bad I must pay 5$ for every pound I gain.  I am going back on the diet that I have detailed here along with a work out plan I feel I can manage.   So far I have lost nearly 5 lbs and we are only 3 days into the first week!!!  I want to use this blog to make my self feel more accountable for my actions.
The great thing about Thanksgiving is, it is full of healthy foods- well once you take away things like the marsh mellows from the sweet potatoes.  You couldn't ask for a better meat.  So I loaded up on turkey and green beans.  Drinking  lots of water and run/walking for 30 mins each day. 
Yesterday I went to the mall.  I got there before any of the store opened.  I spent a good 30 mins pushing Luke around in the stroller and then we hit up Old Navy.   Tomorrow is an off day again so I will be at hom and not work.  I think work will be my biggest challenge...speaking of challenges, I had my first big test on Saturday night.  My hubby and I went out to see a movie and then to dinner.  The waitress brough some FANTASTIC looking rolls to our table.  I am sure they were just as good as the looked, however I made it the whole night with out touching one! 
Well that was my weekend in a nutshell! Good day all!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Best Kept Secert For Free

Two things to remember- One this is not a diet, it is a life style change and two there are some meats and starches that should not be eaten together (I will explain later).
This will allow you not only to lose weight but to control and maintain healthy sugar levels without the use of medicines.
It's all about balancing the good carbs and the best proteins.

You should not have any more than 30grams of carbs PER meal.  (60 per day).  On this plan you only eat healthy carbs and learn to balance them with the right amount of proteins.  Forever carb intake you need to eat at least half that amount in proteins within the same meal.  So for example; you eat 14 carbs, then in that meal you should eat at least 7 grams of proteins. Some meats and starches are considered to be limited which means you can have them just not together, no more than once in the same day and never two days in a row.  See example (appendix A). Limited starches and meats should not be eaten any more than three times a week and again remember they should not be eaten together.
Warm veggies are the best.  Salads are great to fill up on as well.  Whole grains should be exchanged and put in the place of all white grains.  Whole grain pancakes, whole grain breads mixed with the right protein is perfect meal.  So you want sausage and pancakes—sure no problem, it’s a great combo with the right grain.  Even hamburgers, just trade out the gross white bread bun and add a salad or other veggies instead of fries.
Notice I said WHOLE GRAIN- the more grain the better!  Sara Lee has a great 7 gain bread and hit up Wal-Mart for a better selection of grainy breads.  Even Spaghetti isn’t bad for you, just switch out the type of noodles.  What you are doing is putting the right blends of the best foods into your body!

Getting Started

Losing weight has never been easy for me.  I hate to hear the term diet.  I am ok with exercise, but DIET!! Please don't tell me how to lose weight through another diet.  So, you feel the same huh?  Well I am here to get you started losing weight though a life style change that will cost you nothing!! No payout to anyone other than the purchase of you own food at the grocery store!  Interested?  Sounds good?  I promise NO DIET!  Now of course exercise is up to you and it will help in the loss of more weight as well as toning muscles and getting rid of flab.  It isn't going to be easy but if you will continue to come back and support my efforts I will tell you the recipe for eating healthy.  Not only with you lose weight but you will cleanse your body of bad foods and improve your overall health.  I am not a doctor and any information here is to be taken that you should always check with your health care professional before doing anything.  Ok so lets get started!!