Friday, October 21, 2011

The Best Kept Secert For Free

Two things to remember- One this is not a diet, it is a life style change and two there are some meats and starches that should not be eaten together (I will explain later).
This will allow you not only to lose weight but to control and maintain healthy sugar levels without the use of medicines.
It's all about balancing the good carbs and the best proteins.

You should not have any more than 30grams of carbs PER meal.  (60 per day).  On this plan you only eat healthy carbs and learn to balance them with the right amount of proteins.  Forever carb intake you need to eat at least half that amount in proteins within the same meal.  So for example; you eat 14 carbs, then in that meal you should eat at least 7 grams of proteins. Some meats and starches are considered to be limited which means you can have them just not together, no more than once in the same day and never two days in a row.  See example (appendix A). Limited starches and meats should not be eaten any more than three times a week and again remember they should not be eaten together.
Warm veggies are the best.  Salads are great to fill up on as well.  Whole grains should be exchanged and put in the place of all white grains.  Whole grain pancakes, whole grain breads mixed with the right protein is perfect meal.  So you want sausage and pancakes—sure no problem, it’s a great combo with the right grain.  Even hamburgers, just trade out the gross white bread bun and add a salad or other veggies instead of fries.
Notice I said WHOLE GRAIN- the more grain the better!  Sara Lee has a great 7 gain bread and hit up Wal-Mart for a better selection of grainy breads.  Even Spaghetti isn’t bad for you, just switch out the type of noodles.  What you are doing is putting the right blends of the best foods into your body!

Getting Started

Losing weight has never been easy for me.  I hate to hear the term diet.  I am ok with exercise, but DIET!! Please don't tell me how to lose weight through another diet.  So, you feel the same huh?  Well I am here to get you started losing weight though a life style change that will cost you nothing!! No payout to anyone other than the purchase of you own food at the grocery store!  Interested?  Sounds good?  I promise NO DIET!  Now of course exercise is up to you and it will help in the loss of more weight as well as toning muscles and getting rid of flab.  It isn't going to be easy but if you will continue to come back and support my efforts I will tell you the recipe for eating healthy.  Not only with you lose weight but you will cleanse your body of bad foods and improve your overall health.  I am not a doctor and any information here is to be taken that you should always check with your health care professional before doing anything.  Ok so lets get started!!