Saturday, April 28, 2012

Long time

I would say I am disappointed in myself, but I am not.  No I have not reach my goal , however I did start.  In the middle life hit and I have had a few bad days in the losing weight and changing my lifestyle.  I am hoping to start all over again and make a go of it.  Today is my new day.  This morning I had a healthy breakfast and ran/walked for a little.  A great way to start a new day- with a cold (hear the sarcasm in my voice haha).  So I wasn't able to do to much.  I hope that you guys will see me more on here in the near future and reporting some great changes in my eating as well as losing some weight.  My new goal is by July to drop at least 20lbs and run in a 5k or at least be able to run 3.1 miles here at home somewhere.  Wish me luck and come back to check out some new recipes and exercise plans.
By the way I have really started enjoying Walking At Home by Leslie Sansone!! Check out.  A lot of free videos on YouTube!