Saturday, January 14, 2012

Crazy Around Here

Well I haven't accomplished what I set out to do here- in the way of blogging as I should to keep everyone posted plus I have been wanting to add some yummy recipes, but life has gotten in the way.  It has been crazy around our house.  I have worked several 12+ days plus taking care of my son, house and the rest of my life, I could see that blogging was just not happening for a few days. 
So here I am, I don't even know what week I am on.  I have lost a total of 9 lbs.  Not great, not bad.  Remember when you lose slow, it is usually easier to keep it off.  However, I must admit have cheated a little to much at times and slowed me down.  I got a "pass" for this week so I am not weighting in.  However, I do know that I didn't lose any or gain.
So next week my goal is to basically start ALL over with the eating plan.  I have found that Netflix has some really awesome (instant play) yoga videos as well as super extreme workouts!  The workouts is what has semi kept me afloat without gaining.  I have been doing a few minutes of several during these weeks where a lot of my meals have been on the road.  I guess that is a new goal- How to survive on the road when trying to eat better- I am still learning myself!